Sweet Relief: Winter in the Territory

Winter brings relief to the Territory. The oppressive heat of summer is eliminated in Alice Springs and the Central Desert. For Darwin and the Top End, the onset of winter chases out the Wet Season and its accompanying cyclones. All over the Territory, people experience a certain freedom; they can claim the outdoors again and enjoy this aspect of the local lifestyle once more.

The tropical Top End temperatures outstrip those of the desert. No one wears a jumper at all on the northern coast. Darwin City is alive and beautiful, the sun glinting off the harbour in the day, the bright lights of the city buzzing at night. Tourists inject themselves into the culture as they experience Australia’s northernmost city, discovering its multicultural flavours, as well as its landscape. Day trips out to Kakadu and Litchfield Park unlock waterfalls and camping spots. The opportunities are as wide as the blue sky.

Florence Falls - Top End
Florence Falls - Top End

In the desert, the 40-degree days are gone. The mornings are bitter. However, by 10am, the sky lightens, and the sun shines, warm but not hot. It is cool enough to move around freely. All indoor spaces are heated, and outside by lunch time jumpers can come off. In the evening the cold returns but campfires make life worthwhile. It is a time for travel, to extend an invitation to those suffering in the iciness of other places to come and see for themselves why winter is the best season in the Territory.

Those who live in the Northern Territory celebrate this time of year. The contrast in weather between the Top End and Central Desert makes for varied experiences. Each is stunning in its own way. The sun lights up the red dirt of the Central Desert, the MacDonnell Ranges close to Alice Springs become accessible, and the glow of nighttime fires draw people closer. The Top End, edged by the ocean, comes alive with people from all over Australia and the world, unlocking hidden swimming holes and ancient locations. In winter, the Northern Territory is magical – and deserves a visit.