The Experience of Central Australia

The Central Australian landscape ranges from desert to waterholes, blue sky to the red earth. There is no one experience of the diversity of people and place. The seasons change, as does the weather, and each impacts the individual differently. What then, binds the community together?

People from all over the world, and from within Australia, settle within the township of Alice Springs. There are cracks running through the different layers of life in this remote town in the Central Desert. Despite this, for many, the experience provides a variety of both personal and professional opportunities. Those who think only one part of Central Australia completely tells the whole story are wrong.

Simpson's Gap, Central Australia
Simpson's Gap, Central Australia

In some respects, the terrain of life in Alice is challenging; but in other ways, healing comes from community and lifestyle. The natural landscape of Central Australia is unparalleled, unique, and awe-inspiring. The history of this town both before and after it became a link between Adelaide and Darwin, is part of the heritage of Australia as a whole.

When rain falls, it does so in droplets. They may feel different in intensity to each person standing in the storm, but we all get wet. All those in Alice Springs share the same home, however varied the experience of that home is. Many choose to stay. Those who don't are farewelled and red dirt stains their shoes as they walk away. Some stay a moment, some stay a lifetime; come and make up your own mind.