Unexpected places

A hidden waterhole in the desert, the sudden change from sunset to night, a loss or trauma – life takes us to unexpected places.

The Central Desert unfolds underneath the sky, hot and dry. However, tucked into its undulating terrain are unanticipated spots of pure beauty. Swimming holes glint in the sun, ringed by ghost gums and high walls of rocks. The summit of a climb reveals a sunset or sunrise that stains the sky with pastels. All around us, are unexpected places that we find only if we seek.

Unexpected places: Waterhole in the Central Desert (Photo credit: Suzanne Visser)
Unexpected places: Waterhole in the Central Desert (Photo credit: Suzanne Visser)

Life often throws up challenges we did not see coming: an illness, a separation, or a rough patch in the previously smooth journey of life. We all find difficulties as we cycle through the days of our time here. Some of us come away stronger, some with scars, and some display courage but still don’t get their happy ending.

Just as unexpected as the hard times are the gifts deposited through community and friendship. A small note, a hug, the knowledge that someone else is thinking of you. When the great distances of the outback feel too long and lonely, drawing close to those around us sees us through. The past few years have taught us that sometimes everything feels unexpected and that life is lived in seasons that build resilience within us.

Just because something is unexpected does not mean that we are not strong enough to walk through it. In time, all things are made new. The sorrow lingers, and the pain is real; but unexpectedly, we find ourselves still here when the dawn breaks and the hope of morning is realized.