Are We Ever Truly Alone?

Are we ever truly alone? Even in the depth of night, the stars keep us company. The breeze touches us and the frost clings. We might stand in a desert hemmed in by the horizon, and still there are whispers and pulses that circle around. 

The wide open spaces of the outback are filled with life, stories, hopes and dreams. When we venture into remote Australia, we leave behind cities and crowds, but despite distance there are always people and landscapes that draw alongside us,  holding us as we discover new places.

Uluru: keeping company with the night (Photo credit: Henrique Felix)
Uluru: keeping company with the night (Photo credit: Henrique Felix)

So many individuals are lonely in today's society. The feeling of being lost in a crowd is familiar to a disappointingly large swathe of people as we navigate modern life. Anyone can find someone in a crowd - but can we go deeper and build a true connection?

The outback is known for its isolation. Yet, scattered across the red earth like salt are small hubs of community. Towns, stations, outposts...all built by people who support one another and face the challenge of remote Australia together. It takes a special person to live in a location few others call home; even these residents keep in touch with others via technology and visits to events organised with the singular goal of bringing people together.

Companionship is precious. As much as any river, it is the lifeblood of the desert. It anchors and grounds us. It means we can find the stars in the night. Everyone goes through seasons of feeling alone. Know that these don't last forever. The dawn is coming, and with it, sunlight that flushes out every corner and illuminates life once more.