Postcard Pretty: Summer in Central Australia

Summer in Central Australia is captured in the sunset and sunrise, the sweep of the ranges, and the depth of the waterholes. It is a time of heat and beauty, but as it unfolds, we are acutely aware that not every place on this planet we share is postcard pretty at the moment. We might look at blue skies, but around the world, many are waking up to a storm. 

We are isolated but not immune to the winds blowing across the globe. There are challenges in our country of Australia, too. Different veins of opinions threaten to divide. A choking economy and a lingering virus are still felt across society. Our own town has deep-set fractures. In the midst of our differences, we face tomorrow together; the future is ours to share. 

Camping at 2 mile, Central Australia (Photo credit: Alicia Pegram)
Camping at 2 mile, Central Australia (Photo credit: Alicia Pegram) 

This summer, as we duck out of Alice into the MacDonnell Ranges to indulge in swimming and adventure, the blessing of freedom settles upon us. The burn of the heat is all consuming and limits movement, but still we hold in our hands more than a lot of other people at this time in history.

We have faced our own challenges thus far this summer. Fires, severe thunderstorms, issues within our community regarding crime. It is important to hold onto the good. Summer will pass, as will the nightmare seasons troubling different locations around the world. 

The landscape across the Central Desert changes with time, and it is now cased in sunshine and warmth. Look to tomorrow with hope and savour the positives. They can evaporate at any time. Be thankful for what we have. Do not take it for granted. And welcome summer with open arms.